We are always in need of unopened personal care products, laundry supplies, new quilts, and office supplies.
Donate to the Community Closet!

Some Examples of Items We Accept:
Accessories: jewelry, belts, purses, & scarves.
Clothing: casual, work, & outerwear.
Crafts: fabric, yarn, sewing, & scrapbooking.
Footwear: shoes, socks, & boots.
Formalwear: tuxedos, Prom, & evening wear.
Small Furniture (Call for more information)
Kitchen: pots, utensils, & small appliances.
Linens: blankets, curtains, bedding, & sheets.
Media: DVDs, CDs, books, records, & video tapes.
Misc.: antiques/collectibles, puzzles, toys, seasonal items & holiday decorations.
Shopping Bags: plastic & paper.
Small Electronics: hair dryers, stereos, & clocks.
Sporting Goods
Accessories: jewelry, belts, purses, & scarves.
Clothing: casual, work, & outerwear.
Crafts: fabric, yarn, sewing, & scrapbooking.
Footwear: shoes, socks, & boots.
Formalwear: tuxedos, Prom, & evening wear.
Small Furniture (Call for more information)
Kitchen: pots, utensils, & small appliances.
Linens: blankets, curtains, bedding, & sheets.
Media: DVDs, CDs, books, records, & video tapes.
Misc.: antiques/collectibles, puzzles, toys, seasonal items & holiday decorations.
Shopping Bags: plastic & paper.
Small Electronics: hair dryers, stereos, & clocks.
Sporting Goods
Items We Do Not Accept
Bikes, box springs, mattresses, car seats, computer equipment, construction material, cribs, dehumidifiers & humidifiers, exercise equipment, grills, hazardous waste, large appliances & furniture, medical equipment, microwaves, pianos & organs, televisions, typewriters, vacuums, & VCRs.